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Topic: The main types of essays and their characteristics! (Read 1884 times) previous topic - next topic

The main types of essays and their characteristics!

I have taught many students who get lost in the jungle of different types of essays. Essays have different requirements and characteristics. It’s hard to learn everything all by yourself, and it’s okay to get help from other people. I’ve been ordering a lot back in my days. It was years ago so I’m not sure if homeworkdoer is legit still, so you better search for recent reviews.

 To help you keep track, I'll introduce you to the most common types of essays.
The discussion
In a discussion, you present your own point of view on a certain topic. Typical discussion topics are, for example, "Living in the country or in the city?", "Facebook & Co - what are the advantages and disadvantages of social media platforms?" or "Cell phones in class - yes or no?"

In the introduction to a discussion, students briefly introduce the topic. In the main part, students provide several pro and con arguments, as neutrally as possible. In the concluding part, they give their own opinion. It is especially important that one's own view is well justified.

The description
There are descriptions of people, animals, and also objects. This type of essay makes high demands on the visual perception of children. Ideally, a description of a person should describe a person who is present during the writing process. In this way, observations can be made and written down directly.

In the introduction, the key data of the person are briefly introduced: his or her name, age, profession, and what relationship one has to the person (family member, friend ...).

In the main part, the external characteristics as well as character traits, preferences, etc. are presented. At the end, you can write down your own assessment of the person. Use a lot of varied adjectives in the description. When writing the description of the person, consider how you would introduce this person to someone who has never seen him or her before.

The summary
The purpose of a synopsis is to summarize the content of a text in a short and meaningful way. It is therefore important to filter out the essentials and not to dwell on details. To do this, you need to read the text thoroughly. In the meantime, you can use a highlighter to colorfully mark important characters and action steps. In this type of essay you have to be careful to remain factual - your own opinion is not relevant. The summary is written in the present tense and should always be shorter than the text to which it refers.

The experience narrative
In this essay, the focus is on an experience that is to be reported in an exciting and entertaining way. On the one hand, this can be an event that your child has experienced himself - for example, an eventful vacation day at the seaside. On the other hand, a theme can be given at school, such as "Lucky me!" and you can come up with a creative story to go with it.

Let your imagination run wild!

In both cases, the text must be written in the past tense. In the main part there is a climax. Therefore, start the story with a quieter narrative style to work towards the exciting climax. After the climax, the final section tells how the story ends, that is, how the mystery or problem is solved.

The Picture Story
In this type of essay, first look closely at the pictures and decide what the story is broadly about. Then notice the details - maybe a bird is hiding in a tree or a person has a mustache or wears glasses.

Use these details in your story! Most of the time, only certain scenes are depicted in a picture story. Think about what happens between these scenes, that is, what is not pictured. Then, as with an adventure story, build up an arc of suspense that reaches its climax in the main section.

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Re: The main types of essays and their characteristics!

Reply #1
The main types of essays and their characteristics include argumentative, expository, persuasive, and descriptive. Argumentative essays are based on facts and require research to prove a point. Expository essays are meant to explain a concept or topic in detail. Persuasive essays use logic and emotion to convince readers to agree with the writer's point of view. Descriptive essays use vivid language to paint a detailed picture of a person, place, or event. Take my class for me online if you need help with any of these types of essays.